Monday, 14 September 2009

Countdown to a new monographic course

The official language school of Alicante is offering this 2009-10 academic year a monographic course that could be of your interest: English for the New Media. The course is aimed at professionals and students who would like to improve, keep up or just brush up their English in a different context, working with a reduced group of colleagues and practising the language from the very first day.

The last decades have seen the rapid transformation of print and analogue broadcast models (press, radio, TV) into digital, networked information. As citizens of the 21st century, we feel the need to adapt ourselves to these changes in the mass media and find thus the way to keep our minds open to the potential new technologies can mean for us.

Learning a language is a lifelong process and you can always continue to improve your proficiency in English. With the growing importance of digital communication and the rise in popularity of social networking tools, the new media can help us update both in English and in the use of all these digital resources produced in English.

Speaking English well involves expressing oneself well in English, beyond just getting the grammar and vocabulary right. Social-networking websites such as Twitter, Facebook and thousands of blogs apart from podcasts, videos and multimedia sites are useful tools to learn about the global world we live in in English.

The contents of each Module (a total of four along the year) will cover aspects such as Google applications, multimedia sites, the main characteristics of the language of the press, TV and cinema matters, the language of politics, editing information in English and discovering websites and resources to learn English through the Internet. Basically the idea is to make the most of your present English in an intensive 30 hour-programmed course: to improve your skills to understand, select and produce information in English in a much more efficient way than you usually do.

To follow this monographic course you need an intermediate/upper-intermediate level. If you feel you can join us, don't think it twice. We're looking forward to meeting you soon!

Lessons will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays (19:10-20:50).

Module 1 will start next Tuesday 6th October.

If you need more information about the monographic course, please do contact me at