Thursday, 29 October 2009
Rocking the web
If you are a fan of R&B music, you can pop in here.
The second one is about pop music. This blog’s got lots of news, reviews and videos of your favourite singers.
And finally, my best tip for latin music is La Onda Tropical.
The voice on the network
Another website which invites to opinion, reflection and communication on journalism is that of Sergio M. Mahugo. Devoted journalist and university teacher, his blog is a tool as support to his lessons. In his weblog, he analyzes the influence of the social media and the civil journalism in the traditional media.
If you are a journalist and you like the world of technology, you can't miss the blog Xataka. It is one of the best technological weblogs at present. It deals with gadgets and the newest electronic devices for everyday users.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Green matters
Being an expert on green issues, you'd better visit the website by the American Grist Magazine which also include videos and updated news and events on echology.
Still another USA brains for the earth tip for geeks on nature and technology. A nice discovery !!!
STAY GREEN :=) (Irene Vidal, environmentalist)
Monday, 26 October 2009
When shooting the film The Inglorious Bastards, actor Brad Pitt showed his knowledge about taking drugs.
The London Paper - (Davinia Galera)
The evidence for a link between moderate consumption of alcohol and harm to the foetus is not too clear as medical experts say. Telling pregnant women not to drink alcohol could be "sexist".
The Sunday Telegraph - (Carla Lázaro)
Lee Westwood, a former European number one in golf and teacher of Tiger Woods has come back after 16 years.
The Sunday Telegraph - (Manuel Valero)
A Tesco cashmachine in West London gave out double the account of money request. £3000 in extra £20 notes were taken before the glitch was spotted.
The London Lite - (Lola Alemany)
A total of 500 people gathered at Shanghai University to create a new world record for the largest number of people dyeing their hair together.
The Post - (Diana Granell)
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Obama and Zapatero herald "new era" in Spanish-American relations
After five years of cool relations between the two countries, the two leaders, who have met various times this week, at the G-20 conference in London and the NATO summit in Strasbourg, used today's meeting in Prague as the announcement of a beginning of a new era of collaboration between Spain and the USA.
As it was to be expected, the two leaders discussed bilateral realtions, the Middle East, Latin America, the global recession, climate change, renewable energy sources and international terrorism.
The spokesman for the US National Security Council, Mike Hammer, reported that Obama 'showed a keen interest in strengthening relations between the USA and Spain and in renewing the friendship between the two nations'.
During the pre-conference photo session Obama commented that Zapatero understood fully Spain's 'extraordinary influence' in the world and took his responsibility 'very seriously'. US press sources reported that Obama had said 'I'm happy to be able to consider him a friend' and that the meeting had been very 'cordial' and that they 'understood each other well'.
Zapatero, for his part, stated that realtions between Spain and the US were entering a new phase and that his intention was to collaborate with Obama to achieve greater peace and justice in the world, to combat poverty and lay the foundations of a stable future for the generations to come.
Main parts of a blog
Header: This section normally contains the name and logo of the blog along with a short description.
Posts: When you visit a website you read articles and news, all the information is displayed as single articles some of them larger than others, but in a blog a piece of content is called A POST it is a single entry written by the blogger on his or her blog. Posts are usually categorized by topic or marked according to the time of publication. All posts are stores in the blog archives.
Archives: When you first visit a blog, you might think that there is not much information in it, you can only see a few links a logo, some entries and a menu, but the truth is that all information and posts in a blog are contained in what we know as ARCHIVES . Each time you write a post it is stored in your blog´s archives which are like folder where you can access to previous entries and read them in chronological order, the archive is usually organized by month. This function allows a visitor to quickly jump to a month or year in the past, and view blog articles posted at that time.
Comments: A common website does not allow you to add your comments or your personal opinions but in a blog comments are very important. Not all blogs use comments but every successful blogger needs feedback on their posts. Your readers can write a reaction to each post, often displayed at directly following the blog entry. To leave a comment at the end of each post, click COMMENTS, and type your comment into the box. A great way to learn about a blog is to read its comments.
Categories: Not all blogs have categories but those with this function are easier to read and to navigate. Blogger does not allow you to add categories to your blog but there are many ways to do so, we are going to talk about that later. Categories are like archives where your posts are organized but this time by topic or subject. Categories allow users to explore your blog searching for posts they might like.
Last Posts: Or latest entries display the last updates of a blog.
Permalink: Sometimes when you finish reading a post you can see at the end of each entry that there is a line of information about the person who is posting, the date and the hour and something called PERMALINK well, this stands for permanent link it is a specific URL assigned to each post, each time you click this link you are redirected to the page where the post is.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Presenting a blog
See that Jeff himself commented our visits to his blog! I feel so excited about it!
Try as well to register on LinkedIn. It's a useful business-oriented social networking site with more than 45 million users so it must be worth belonging to it I guess.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Technology: Friend or Foe?
I am looking forward to reading your comments.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Disappointment in Spain as Olympic hopes are lost

MADRID - Spain’s Queen Sofia Friday congratulated Rio de Janeiro for having been chosen to host the 2016 Olympics, though Spain was “disappointed” about Madrid having lost the race.
“Congratulations Rio,” the queen told Spanish National Television in Copenhagen, also congratulating Spaniards for the “good job” they had done in promoting Madrid’s candidacy.
Some 6,000 Madrid residents had gathered at the capital’s central Plaza de Oriente square to follow a live broadcast of the presentation of Madrid’s candidacy on two gigantic screens.
They jumped, waving their hands, balloons and colourful plastic hands which symbolized Madrid’s candidacy in the run-up to the IOC vote.
When the choice of Rio de Janeiro was announced, silence fell, and some people started crying.
Mayor Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon had expressed confidence in Madrid’s victory, and preparations had been made for a giant celebration Saturday.
Polls showed that nearly 90 percent of Madrid residents backed the city’s candidacy, and more than 100,000 people demonstrated in favour of it Sunday.