Do you feel you lost halfl your life trying to learn English and you still don´t feel fluent enough? These lines are for those of you who maybe don´t have so much time to attend private English lessons and who would like to have some extra help. You've got the whole world in your hands - make the most of the Internet from today on and learn English from home. You are not on your own at all. Let me provide you with some links I find particularly useful.
El blog para aprender inglés, a diary by a bilingual EFL teacher who decided to teach English to everyone on the web. You can work on different skills (grammar, phonetics, vocabulary...) since lessons of all kind. You can also take part in the forum. Moreover, you can download many audio podcasts and what is more important, Mónica will answer you any question you have when learning English and will give you brilliant advice.
If you are looking for a prestigious site on the web to learn English that is the
BBC learning English web service . Some people say there is no better English than the BBC one so this is a fantastic website that includes a blog service providing space for you. If you are studying English this is your site, whatever your language is: it is an international site. You can watch the real BBC news and many podcasts are available for you as well as a great forum to share your comments and questions. Following this trend, a bit farther geographically but as close as the previous on the web, you can try
The New York Times blogs.
Many didactic resources are available in the blog
aprender ingles online. It includes podcasts from the BBC, videos, translation service, exams, games for everyone and many more things.
Finally, I'd recommend
estudia inglés. The important thing about this blog is that it provides you with a number of useful links while learning English for example the best dictionary on slang, social nets to learn English, best grammar books and so on. Related to this blog, you will find the course on learning English based on podcasts in
inglés total.